Security & Cameras

Solutions for Access Control and Security Monitoring


BrandTech provides Building Security by implementing Access Control and IP Security Camera systems.

We can provide a complete system to protect your facility with Access and Cameras. We can help with the systems’ Design, installation, service, and maintenance.

You can control who can come and go from your building and see what is going on at all times.

Need help with your existing system? Let us help.

Some of the A/V Hardware Vendors We Trust:

Access Control

With Access Control, we can schedule and control the doors to your building and even provide control of Data Cabinets and secure areas inside your facility.

No matter what method of access credential you prefer to use—fobs, cards, or even your cell phones—we can help you develop a plan to meet your needs.

We offer different lines of Access systems to help provide the best fit for you and your needs.

Whether you are a small business, an apartment complex, or an entire school district, we can help protect you.

Security Cameras

IP Security cameras have come a long way. Not only can you see everything in and around your building, but we can also provide analytics to help track objects, giving you greater control of your facilities.

Do you want to see every blue pickup truck that pulled into the lot this week, or everyone with a red shirt who walked in the front door? We can help with that! We’ll design your system to watch what is important to you and help keep people and facilities safe.

We can help with your existing system and help improve your facility’s control and vision, or build a new custom system for you.